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What’s new in the Geostaff calculation tool?


« Over the years, our calculation tool has become essential to our building customers. »

Tom Van Leuven, Managing Director, Geostaff

The Geostaff calculation tool allows you to calculate your material requirements for smoke extraction ducts, ventilation ducts or for the protection of service ducts and shafts.

This year, we have decided to add new features to guarantee you the use of a simple and efficient tool. Indeed, thanks to the work carried out by our teams, the software allows you to determine your full material needs per project and duct by duct.

From now on, you will have the quantity in m² of ducts and shafts present on your building sites but also a horizontal and vertical m² split up for your calculation. You will be able to determine:

  • The average cross-section of the ducts, thanks to the exterior development calculated by the software.
  • The recommended quantity in m² of boards to install your ducts and for the protection of service ducts and shafts.

Finally, an observation section has been added to allow you to indicate the points of attention for each duct.

Find out what’s new on video

What’s new in our calculation tool ?

To connect to your tool, just go to our website www.geostaff.fr or click on this link.

For any information, contact us on +33(0)1 30 26 37 00 or by e-mail at com@geostaff.fr.

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